Khamis, 23 Julai 2009

Counting Down!

Salam! 11 days to go until the 3rd semester opens! hahaha, sounds and feels really great and at the same time it feels really annoying to think of the upcoming "assignmentS" this coming semester. Well see ya!!

Rabu, 15 Julai 2009

Ucapan daripada Hamba Kebawah Duli Tuan Patik



Di kesempatan ini hamba kebawah duli tuan patik; Alafifi (bukan nama yang terpapar dalam kad pengenalan), ingin memohon ampun beribu ampun. Izinkan hamba kebawah duli tuan patik membahasakan diri sebagai "saya". Saya ingin melafazkan ucapan "Selamat Menyambut Hari Keputeraan yang Ke-63". Ya Allah, limpahkanlah kurniaMu kepada baginda agar baginda sentiasa memerintah Negara Brunei Darussalam dalam keadaan sihat-walafiat. Saya juga berdoa agar sentiasa diberkati dan dirahmati usia.Ya Allah, peliharalah Sultan kami serta peliharalah Negara Brunei Darussalam dari segala keburukan dan azab. Amin. Ampun beribu ampun, hamba kebawah duli tuan patik mengundur diri. *langkah berundur beberapa tapak sebelum berpusing dan berlalu* hehe

Pada paparan kali ini, saya juga menyisipkan 2dua gambar Kebawah Duli (gambar lama.. masa muda-muda dulu hehe)

Gambar dipetik dari:

Isnin, 13 Julai 2009

These are few pictures of me and the others at the yesterday's function. Many things happen.. like reciting of the tahlil thus the doa arwah, then biasalah, makan!!!, ada butter chicken, chicken curry, daging ala rendang, cucumber and the infamous sambal belacan, bananas, sayur tibadak ( nangka or tibadak tue.. nd pasti, nd ku pandai kn differenciate ey.., sambal pusu ( omg, really hot and spicy brabbish!),air bandung n tea tarik... huhu.., then after the feast, the most important thing to do, well usually in our committee is "menapau"! huhu

Enjoy peeping..

Ahad, 12 Julai 2009

Ucapan khusus

Gd aftern0n!

Im now attending a function held at Lambak. Rumah tua. Untuk menghadiri majlis doa arwah. Went there approximately a couple of hours before the function officially starts. The thing that catches my concern is one of the servings! One of my fav food: butter chicken ada! Hehe. Ok back to business...

Al-Fatihah untuk Al-marhum tua (Awg Serbini bin Hj Puasa aka tua Muntul) yg telah kembali ke Rahmatullah exactly dua minggu yg lalu.

Turut disedekahkan Al-Fatihah kepada Al-marhum nini tercinta sebelah mama (Awang Hj Puasa bin Latif) yg telah kembali ke Rahmatullah pada subuh 22 Febuari 2009.

Ya Allah, ampunkanlah segala dosa-dosa muslimin dan muslimat yg telah kembali kepadaMu khususnya kedua-dua insan terdekat ini dan himpunkanlah mereka dalam golongan orang-orang yang beriman! Amin Ya Allah!


Morning weekend greeting~


Just to greet a very wonderful good morning.

Hey, i just finished reading the book!! (a malay-novel! haha) the storyline was quite okay; the intro and the most all of the contents read quite good, but the ending to it was so-so, which ended not really so that good.. not like those other novels I had read before. They were like freaking, distressful, dramatic, and more bla bla bla bla!

These are few pictures to have a peek at!


mana & nina- menyapu pun sampat lg begambar... siap dengan ketawa lagi tu.. huhu like this one!

fatin, fiqah and nadia- ani baru 'the most!!' everyone posed differently!! ada style lah! focus youe eyes on fatin! like that pose!! i personaly think ala2 charlie chaplin punya style, mcm penari latar ada jua.. huhu..

preparing for assignment at campus! reminds me of being superly exhausted!! ALWAYS hated it!

shhhhh.. enough talking! ok, i should be done now!


Sabtu, 11 Julai 2009

Paparan Istimewa (Special Post)


Salam everyone. This post is kinda special! eSpecially dedicated to three precious people: my little sister:Nina, my little brother:Amni and my mother:Rogayah, respectively to the order below. Why?

Happy 11th birthday to Nur Amanina Binti Ismail (Sunday, 5-07-09)

Happy 14th birthday to Mohd Amni Bin Ismail (Monday, 6-07-09)

Happy 46th birthday to Rogayah Binti Hj Puasa (Tuesday, 7-07-09)

Happy Belated birthday to the three of you! I am superly-really sorry I didn't post this on the actual days of your precious birthdays. I apologize...

Doa abang/anakanda agar mama & adi-adi sekalian sehat-walafiat-sejahtera.

"Moga setiap detik umur diberkati dan dirahmati Allah."

"Ya Allah ampunkanlah dosa-dosa ibubapa dan peliharalah mereka sebaik-baik peliharaMu, Ya Allah, peliharalah mereka sepertimana mereka telah memelihara dan menjaga diriku semasa kecil dari sejak aku dilahirkan, Ya Allah. "

"Ya Allah, murahkanlah rezeki nina, amni dan mama. Ya Allah, berilah ketenangan hati, tabahkanlah hati, dikuatkan iman dan semangat keimanan mereka. Jadikanlah mereka di antara jiwa-jiwa yang menghambakan dirinya kepadaMu, Ya Allah. Senantiasa teguh hati kepadaMu Ya Allah" Amin Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

"Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanataw wafil akhirati hasanataw waqina 'azabannar. Wasalallahu 'ala saiyidina Muhammadiw wa 'ala alihi wasahbihi wassalam.
" Maksudnya:
"Ya Tuhan Kami, kurniakanlah kepada kami kebajikan di dunia dan akhirat serta jauhilah kami dari siksa neraka. Dan Allah, limpahkanlah rahmat serta sejahtarakanlah junjungan kami Muhammad, keluarga serta sahabat-sahabat Baginda.

Diambil dari "Doa Selepas Sembahyang"


nina- happy birthday!

amni-Happy Birthday!

omg! really kanyang!!


second round kali ne! or may be 3rd udah!

bday gurl!

kanyang or what? ketawa cia pulang...

1st impression looking towards us + the cake (love this sweety-tiny moment)
nak tau cetanya... surprise ne.. kuar bilik tarus menuju dapur.. didnt even notice kami sebalah until we sang "happy Birthday too you...."

1... 2.... 3... gettin ready.. get set:

go! haha =p

the iceCram cake isn't as hard the moment this picture was taken, we waited fo so quite long before she finally came out of the room!

mom's birthday cake! it reads: "Happy 46th Birthday Mama. Cool Sikit Laa.."

amni's cake! It soinds: "Happy 14th Birthday to Mohd Amni, Jangan kuat Makan!" hehe

nina's cake! It says: 'Selamat Hari Jadi yg Ke 11 Thn. NurAmanina Bte Ismail"

time to blow them. unfortunately, amni gagas meniup.. so nd bebaya durang meniup.

You see, looks like he can't wait to eat. Udah kana warning jn kuat makan. hehe

chocolate and strawberry ice-cream cake! nyum nyum.. slrruuupp!

Happy Birthday to uuuuuuuuu three!
love u!


After quite a-short-worrying-while

Salam, hello..

Apologize for not being able to update this "Dalam taman alafifi"! Minta maaf semua. busy? me? it's really lying to say I am busy all the time. As the matter of fact most of the time, I am not. I must or at least should be able to open up to turn on this baby (if u know what i mean: the computer it is, which without it i wouldn't be able to meet up here.. lol) everyday. So, busy is not the appropriate excuse not to get blogging. If busy is out, then what is it that hindered me from writing here these past few weeks? umm.. personally, i think it's just my instinct. Look, according to a dictionary here in my baby:
"Instinct is the natural tendency that a person or animal has to behave or react in a particular way."

Well, the dictionary is speaking the truth! It's just that, most all of the time, i have the tendency to behave lazily over this past few weeks.. hehe It's just like doing assignments, damn assignments! where procastination must happens. I know, to be an effective, students/person, procastinating works should never happen.

Owh, what am I doing?,, back to business.. hehe

Oh, I almost have forgotten, just to expose that I have been feeling unwell last fortnight. It was quite a worrying moment that at that exact moment, I heard the virus H1N1 had just started overwhelming the country. Or in other words shortly after I got that fever, that damn virus has just arrived here. Syukur Alhamdulillah, I am ok now: unwell? oh not anymore!


There are some pictures, have a peep!

Fatin nabilah, amni, nina and afiqah
Afiqah and fatin
nina and nadiah
nadia syahirah ams (cujjie)
fatin, afiqah, alafifi and nadia
fatin and alafifi
fatin nabilah ams (cujjie)
anti-ha, alafifi, fatin and nadiah
anti-ha, alafifi and fatin
amni, fatin. nina and afiqah
ali wanshah and waie
alafifi and nadiah
adieb, nina, azmi, afiqah and alafifi
adieb, afiqah, azmi and alafifi

Thank You
